Data Mining

International Journal for Scientific Research & development(#IJSRD) has found useful information for students working on data mining.

IJSRD has found useful link to Implementation of different Data Mining Algorithms(#IJSRD). Please follow the instructions and enjoy the hassle free implementation of  Apriori, FPGrowth & Eclat Agorithms.

(1) Just click on the webpage (download section):

(2) Then click on to download the source code (it includes the source code of FPGrowth, Apriori, Eclat, and many more algorithms).

(3) After that, you can follow the installation instructions to know how to compile the source code and run the examples:

There is a lot of examples in the source code. The “documentation” section on the website describes them:

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (

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